Holy Week 2024

It hardly seems possible that the reflective time of Lent has reached its climactic destination in the drama of Holy Week. The early occurrence of Lent this year has created a rapidity that has felt like a rush from Christmas and its culmination in Epiphany to the start of Lent. The contrast is pronounced, yet the periods of Advent and Lent are both times of reflection, prayer, study. But the contrast in nature is profound.

Advent is an oasis  of calm within the whirlwind of the lead up to Christmas. It is  a counter to the pressures that the world exerts at the time. Lent, however, defines the approach to Easter. It’s  a time of sombreness as opposed to the energised anticipation of Advent. Its shadow is present in the world with the practices of giving things up for Lent, but the approach to Easter in the world  is only marked by the appearance of Easter eggs and hot cross buns on the supermarket shelves.

But for us that Lenten process has prepared the way for the dramatic unfolding of Holy week, starting with Palm Sunday and its symbolic recreation of the palm procession welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem. We stand outside our churches and walk  in procession with songs, remembering that joyful event that was loaded with such meaning and hope. But as we do so we are also mindful of the swift transformation of this, the euphoria that will be replaced with the events that lead up to the crucifixion, the dark time of pain, rejection, misery, and a seemingly crushing defeat. 

But this is far from being the whole story. Whilst this needs to be marked, reflected upon, and experienced in the depth of the pain and suffering that Jesus underwent, it is utterly changed by the events of Easter  Day, the ecstatic joy of the resurrection and the fulfilment beyond all expectations of the salvific mission of the love of God embodied through the life and person of Jesus.

I encourage you to experience the richness of Holy week. There are a variety of services and opportunities to come together as a worshipping community that offer times to worship, reflect and rejoice.

The services for this Sunday and the week ahead.

Sunday 24 March (Palm Sunday)

08.00 Said Holy Communion (All Saints)

10.00 Palm Sunday & Holy Communion (St Marys)

10.30 Palm Procession & Passion Drama All Saints)

The Week Ahead


Monday 26th

10.30 Tiny Tots (All Saints)

19.30 Compline (All Saints)

Tuesday 27th

19.30 Compline (St. Mary’s)

Wednesday 27th

09.00 Celtic Morning Prayer (All Saints)

19.30 Compline (All Saints)

Thursday 28th – Maundy Thursday

18.30 Agape Meal & Eucharist (All Saints)

19.30 Holy Communion, washing of feet  & Vigil (St. Mary’s)       

Friday 29th  – Good Friday

10.00 All Saints Children’s Activities & Story

13.30 Good Friday Service (St. Mary’s)

 14.00 All Saints Last Hour

Saturday 30th March – Easter Eve

12.00-14.00 Saturday Lunches (St. Mary’s)

19.30 Holy Communion & Vigil with Celebrations (St. Mary’s)

Sunday 31st March – Easter Day

08.00 BCP Said Holy Communion (All Saints)

10.00 All Age Sung Easter Communion (St. Mary’s)

 10.30 All Age Easter Communion (All Saints)

 18.30 Easter Evensong (St. Mary’s)

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen




Revd Kester de Oliveira